Fired Up Fire Lizard Friday


The Pokemon TCG Newsletter.

Daily updates on deals, leaks and news.

In today’s episode

  • The one and only from Celebrations

  • No major news

Fire Lizard Friday

This newsletter is just dedicated to the king.

Featuring the Charizard from the Celebrations Classic Collection.

Charizard 4/102 Illus. Mitsuhiro Arita

People were happy to get another reprint of the classic Charizard.

Some people were over it.

But the hype won.

This is the most sought after card in the entire Celebrations set.

(Aside from the metal promo card from the Ultra Premium Collection)

What also makes this interesting is that none of the cards in the Classic Collection are playable in any official tournaments.

This still did not affect the hype for the classic Charizard in any way.

He’s holding very strong.

I will make a bold prediction and say the price won’t go lower. Why? Only because there was a short print run of Celebrations.

It was a hyped and probably over-hyped set, but now every Celebrations product is no longer available, aside from the Pikachu V-Union box which are looking to sell out soon.

PSA total grades comes out at 17,407.

PSA 10 total comes out at 11,459.

That’s about 66% of the total population in a “PSA perfect” grade.

While we’re on the Celebrations topic, let’s take a look at the Charizard metal promo.

Unofficial metal cards have been circulating the market for a while now, so the Pokemon Company jumped in too.

This was the first official metal card created along with the classic Pikachu metal card. Both highly collectable. They are only available in the Ultra Premium Collection.

Ah, a fun looking rollercoaster.

The price is still way above the classic collection Charizard.

The metal Charizard also has a very low print run (is it still called a print run on metal cards?)

The Ultra Premium Collection had very limited stock and flew off the shelves.

Can it be graded?

Well, for a very short time grading companies were grading this card. Only up until they realised the the slabs could actually damage the metal card inside and therefore decreasing the grade of the card. This put a quick halt on any metal card grading. Leaving a very low pop on the few that were graded.

Slowly but surely, companies started to accept grading these metal cards. PSA have modified their slabs slightly to accommodate these metal cards.

Currently PSA has a total of 1,311 metal Charizards graded, with only a total of 97 in a PSA 10.

That’s only 7% of the total population.

Most of the grades are PSA 9, at 907 pop.

Do you have these in your collection?

Were you lucky enough to grab a Celebrations Ultra Premium Collection at RRP?

Did you miss out on getting a UPC at RRP and blew your load on the Charizard Ultra Premium Collection only to find out it was over printed and contains next to zero hits?

Yeah, I feel that.

These might help:

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the 33rd edition.
If you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out. Just reply to this email.
Thanks for reading. Bye!