Illustration Rares Leaked From Obsidian Flames

WOTC Wednesday


The Pokemon TCG Newsletter.

Daily updates on deals, leaks and news.

In today’s episode

  • Illustration Rares Leaked From Obsidian Flames

  • WOTC Wednesday

Current sales

New Leaks from Obsidian Flames

Tyranitar and Absol were AI upscaled.

[F] Corkscrew Punch: 10 damage.

[F][F] Confront: 30 damage.

Larvitar 203/197 Illus. Miki Tonoka

[C] Tempting Aroma: Switch in 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon to the Active Spot.

[G] Leaf Step: 20 damage.

Gloom 198/197 Illus. ?

WOTC Wednesday

Wizards of the Coast printed lots of promo cards in their first years of business.

But the two rarest and highest valued Wizards promos are the cards that were given out at the official opening of the Pokemon Center in New York.

Pokemon Center #40 Illus. “Big Mama” Tagawa

Pokemon Center #40 Illus. “Big Mama” Tagawa

Of course, the higher value card is the one the features Charizard and Pikachu. Pichu is cool too.

The PSA pop totals:

Pokemon Center

Total pop: 551

GEM MINT 10: 157

Lucky Stadium

Total pop: 747

GEM MINT 10: 188

These are the lowest amounts graded in the 2001 Pokemon Promo Black Star category.

Well. I lied.

Unown J has 270 total.

But who likes Unown that much.

In the memes

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the 79th edition.
If you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out. Just reply to this email.
Thanks for reading. Bye!