Let's talk about the decline of Pokemon Go

Modern Monday


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In today’s episode

  • Modern Monday featuring Pokemon Go

Current sales

Modern Monday

If you were curious about how bad things are for the Pokemon Go set; let’s dive in.

The highest valued card in the set is not even an alt art… or a waifu. It’s a rainbow rare.

Number 1:

Mewtwo 079/078 Illus. PLANETA Mochizuki

Going down the rollercoaster.

The next best is still not an alt art.

Dragonite 081/078 Illus. PLANETA Tsuji

Another rollercoaster ride down.

And finally, an alt art has appeared.

Dragonite 081/078 Illus. N-DESIGN Inc.

The rollercoaster just went down a huge drop.

I don’t believe this kind of drop has happened to any other alt art.

The only other alt art in this set is Conkeldurr. Some are selling on Ebay for under $10.

Charizard on the other hand doesn’t have it too well either.

Radiant Charizard 011/078 Illus. Shigenori Negishi

On TCGPlayer, Radiant Charizard only makes the top 10 as number 10.

That puts it behind the cards mentioned above, 4 rainbow trainers, rainbow Melmetal VMAX and gold Mewtwo.


Pokemon Go set as an investment? The saying goes “be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful”.

But this set isn’t attractive at all.

Unless the Niantic pulls their heads out of their arses and actually makes the Pokemon Go app fun and not a grind-fest, I would stay clear of this set.

In the memes

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the 65th edition.
If you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out. Just reply to this email.
Thanks for reading. Bye!