New IR Revealed from Black Flame Ruler

Modern Monday with some competition


The Pokemon TCG Newsletter.

Daily updates on deals, leaks and news.

In today’s episode

  • Houndour receives Illustration Rare

  • Modern Monday featuring two top dogs

Current sales

Houndour’s New Illustration Rare

From the set Black Flame Ruler.

That’s what we are calling the new set now, apparently.

Houndour 115/108 Illus. KYUPIYAMA

Houndour 071/108 Illus. Scov

Houndoom 072/108 Illus. Haru Akasaka

Text here.

Modern Monday

Featuring cards from everyone’s favourite set Rebel Clash.

Two characters fight it out for the top spot.

No, not Pokemon.

The waifu tax has dethroned one iconic character from the entire series.

Boss’s Orders 189/192 Illus. nogimiso

Yes, Giovanni himself has been taken down from #1.

Sonia 192/192 Illus. Nooki Saito

That’s the waifu tax, my friend.

Sonia takes the top spot of the set Rebel Clash. For now.

In the memes

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the 71st edition.
If you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out. Just reply to this email.
Thanks for reading. Bye!