Raichu and Onix enter the High-Res club

New leaks form the 151 set


The Pokemon TCG Newsletter. All things TCG straight to your inbox.

In today’s episode

  • First look at several cards from the 151 set

  • Trainer Tuesday featuring Hex Maniac

Raichu and Onix made it to the high-res club

Feast your eyes on some fresh HD cards:

Raichu 026/165 Illus. Naoyo Kimura

Onix 059/165 Illus. Shin Nagasawa

Extra freshly leaked cards:

Omanyte 138/165

Omaster 139/165

“Old Dome Fossil” - only evolves in to Kabuto

Kabuto 140/165

Kabutops 141/165

Trainer Tuesday

A special feature every day!

Hex Maniac

75a/98 Illus. You Iribi

The original Hex Maniac card was released in the XY Ancient Origins set back in 2015 as an uncommon trainer card with a different artwork. This alt art illustration, however, wasn't released until 2 years later, during the Sun and Moon series. This card was part of a special box called "Premium XY Trainer's Collection" which includes 14 alternate art cards exclusive to this collection box. It also includes a booster pack from Roaring skies, and a booster from Primal Clash. There are also other accessories, including a very collectable metal Pikachu coin (currently on ebay for ~$70AUD).

Hex Maniac's alt art price has doubled over the past year on TCGPlayer.

The collection box itself is currently worth around $1000AUD. Pretty good considering the initial price was somewhere between $150-$200AUD. A post on reddit confirms people were picking this up in the US for $34.99USD. Now selling for around $575USD on ebay. That's an insane increase of 1543.33%.

Contents of the XY Premium Trainer’s Collection

Looking at this collection box on TCGPlayer:

The recent price hike is probably thanks to PokeRev’s unboxing video.

That’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed the sixth edition.
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Thanks for reading. Bye!